Hi everybody! Karen Shiflett here! I just created this webpage to share photos of my family and stories about our lives! My husband, Steve, and I live in Charlottesville, Virginia (home of Thomas Jefferson's great university) with our two children. Susie, our oldest, is fifteen years old and she is interested in English and Art - I always find her sketching in her room when she should be doing her homework! She has also been attached to hip with her the mini-digital that we got her for Christmas last year in 1987, but I'm thinking it's just a phase. Joey is eleven years old and he absolutely loves soccer and playing on his team at school. Almost every day after school he goes outside to work on his skills before going to practice. Both of my kids seems to be pretty picky eaters right now as Susie loves eating only salads while Joey won't even look at a vegetable. We are, however, trying to experiment as a family with our meals, a few days ago we even made ratatouille. It was delicious!
Joey's Webpage Susie's Webpage Steve's Webpage The IMP's Webpage
Here is a picture of the ratatouille we made earlier this week! There was little discrepancy within the family as to whether or not we should make it because Steve thought the kids would hate it. Although the kids thought this dish sounded weird, I told them to at least try a few bites of it and they ended up liking it a lot more than they thought they would! I was right!
The ratatouille recipe we usedThis book on parenting by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish has been a lifesaver for me as my kids are reaching their teenage years. I would recommend it to any other family that has young teenagers or pre-teens! Purchase it here
For more cites like this click hereThis is our Interface Message Processor that communicates between the Commodore 64 computer that we have at home and all of our mini-digitals. Steve had me install the IMP a year ago in 1987 as a little project for me around the house and it has been a lifesaver for our family to be able to communicate together when Steve is at work or the kids are out! The kids nicknamed it Larry, which is too funny!!
Here's a picture of our home computer, a Commodore 64, which I have been using all the time! In this picture, one of Joey's soccer computer games is on the screen but usually I am the one using the Commodore 64 the most. I love how I can look up everything from new recipes to try for dinner to articles and books on how to better parent my kids. The computer is also a great break from the monotony of household chores like vaccuming and doing the dishes because I feel like I learn something new everytime I go on it.